a31) DELETERIOUS (deli'ti(u)reeus) Adjective - Harmful
Had I been aware of the deleterious effects of this medicine on
the nervous system, I would never have recommended it to you.
a32) CHAUVINISM Noun (showvu'nizum) - Unreasonable belief that the gender
to which one belongs is better than the other gender
In an extremely chauvinistic remark, which I'm sure caused him to
lose many female supporters, the actor said that he will always be able to
earn more than whoever he is going to marry.
a33) BROMIDE (browmid) Noun - A boring person or remark
Consisting nothing but the usual bromides about economic growth
rather disappointing one.
Synonyms: Cliché, Platitude
a34) ALLEGORY (alu'guree) Noun - A story in which characters and images
represent abstract ideas, Apologue
all his short stories depict characters who represent various shades of
moral and social values.
Synonyms: Fable, Myth, Parable
a35) ACCOUTERMENTS (u'kooturmunt) Noun - a soldier's equipment, other than
clothing or weaponry
At these
of every soldier's accouterments.
a36) NEURALGIA (n(y)u'ralju) Noun - Sharp pain in the nerves
He's been suffering from a neuralgic pain for the last three months
because of which he cannot turn his neck to the left.
a37) MELLIFLUOUS (mi'lifluus) Adjective - (Of words, music or voice)
sweetly or smoothly flowing
She charmed everyone present at the gathering with her sweet and
mellifluous voice.
Synonym - Melodious
a38) LEGERDEMAIN (lejurdu'meyn) Noun - Skill in using the hands to perform
conjuring tricks etc (Sleight-of-hand, Juggling, Trickery)
The opposition has accused the Finance Minister of indulging in
financial legerdemain, stating that the budget is nothing but a clever
a39). INDICT (in'dit) Verb - Make a formal accusation against, to charge
with a wrong, offense or short coming
Three people have been indicted by the judge for manufacturing and
selling spurious medicines.
a40) LECTERN (lekturn) Noun - Stand with a sloping top to hold books,
papers etc. to be read from
Before commencing her speech, the speaker carefully arranged her
papers on the lectern, getting a feel of the audience at the same time.
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