vocabulary builder-english words
a51) HOLISTIC (how'listik) Adjective - Emphasizing the importance of the
whole and the interdependence of its parts
A holistic approach adopted by that firm to equate the brand
importance of their positioning in the market.
A52) SPINSTER (spinstu(r)) Noun - An unmarried woman, usually of past marriageable age
Though she is the eldest of all her sisters, she prefers to remain
a spinster till all her sisters get married.
A53) TURBID (turbid) Adjective - Muddy and cloudy (of liquids)
The excessive growth of algae in the pond has made its otherwise
clean water turbid it is no more suitable for any purpose other than
a54) UNFROCK (un'frok) Verb - To strip a priest or minister of church
The minister was unfrocked in public for his involvement in the
a55) WANTON (wont'(u)n) Adjective, Noun & Verb - Showing complete lack of
purpose or care
He was rather disturbed because of the wanton ways of his only son,
who was just not willing to accept any responsibility in the family
a56) APPOSITE (apuzit) Adjective - Highly pertinent or relevant
Even though his remark was not very diplomatic, it was quite
apposite in the given situation.
a57) BALEFUL (beylful) Adjective - Dangerous and sinister, Destructive
The little child felt threatened by the baleful looks of the old
man, and immediately rushed to the comforting arms of her mother.
a58) CHAFF (chaf) Noun - Separated grain-husks, Chopped hay and straw,
Worthless stuff
The farmers in northern India have a rather elaborate procedure of
separating the grain from the chaff.
a59) DECELERATE (dee'selu'reyt) Verb - Make slower
The doctor said that his hectic pace of life was the main reason
for the stress he was facing, and advised him to decelerate and take things
a60) ERODE (i'rowd) Verb - To wear or be worn away gradually
All dwellings near the sea are being broken down because of the
coast, which is gradually being eroded by the lapping waves.
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