Friday, August 20

Expand Vocabulary

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Learn Smart words(With Noun, Verb & Adjective)

Learn English words & build your vocabulary. Play Vocabulary games to improve vocabulary words. The use of dictionary is very important in building the vocabulary lists at the time of Teaching English as Foreign Language EFL. Oxford Dictionary is very helpful to Find words and spell words. Those Who are learning French Vocabulary or spanish vocabulary should use a good french or Spanish Language dictionary.

Many English words have their roots from the Greek words .

Smart words with vocabulary pronunciation (With Noun, Verb & Adjective) 1_10

a1) JUNTA (huntu) Noun - A government, specially a military one, that has

taken power in a country by force.

The military junta in Pakistan has just announced that the basic rights of the citizens will not be revoked but a new constitution will be adopted.

a2) MANIACAL (mu'nIukul) Adjective - Raging mad, Insane ,

I could hear maniacal screaming coming out of the hospital room,

a3) NEFARIOUS Adjective - Wicked, Extremely immoral .

In a shocking revelation, three reputed doctors were found to be involved in the nefarious activity of smuggling human organs out of the hospital for their commercial gains. We immediately knew that something was terribly wrong with the child.

a4) INVETERATE Adjective - Long established, Habitual, Deep-rooted

The two families bore an inveterate hatred for each other and the bitterness went back several generations.

a5) HACKLE Verb (hakul) - 'Make someone's hackles rise' means 'make someone very angry'.

The provocation from the audience in the front benches was sufficient to raise his hackles, but he managed to check his anger and kept speaking without showing any emotion.

a6) OBVIATE Verb (obvee'eyt) - 1) Make unnecessary or redundant (2) To remove from the way (usually a difficulty).

The use of E-mail has obviated the use of telegram which was believed to be the fastest way of communicating; people can now send any message all over the world within no time.

a7) INVETERATE Adjective - Long established, Habitual, Deep-rooted.

The two families bore an inveterate hatred for each other and the bitterness went back several generations.

a8) GIRTH (gurth) Noun - Measurement of a person around the waist

a9) DEFIANCE (di'fIuns) Noun - Refusal to yield, Open disobedience, Resistance

Though the underarm bowling action was not in defiance to any rule in the Book of Cricket Laws, it was so unusual that no one had thought that it would actually be used by a player in an official cricket match

a10) PACIFIST (pacufist) Noun - One opposed to force, a person who does not believe in wars

More Smart words with vocabulary pronunciation (With Noun, Verb & Adjective)

Thursday, August 19

Improve vocabulary

a11) NATTY (natee) Adjective - Neatly or smartly dressed

He arrived for the reception nattily dressed in a black tuxedo, looking every bit the handsome model that he actually was.

a12) BAILIWICK (beyluwik) Noun - A person's special province or domain, one's sphere of operations

The police officer simply refused to register my complaint, saying that the place where the theft was committed was out of his bailiwick.

a13) EPITHET (epu'thet) Noun - Word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing

'Selfish' is the correct epithet that can be used to describe Rita who never shares her things with her sister.

a14) TRAIPSE (treyps) Noun & Verb - To walk laboriously or unwillingly from one place to another

I traipsed the whole day around the university campus, but could not find the cafeteria that my friend had talked about.

a15) SPRIGHTLY (spritlee) Adjective Lively, full of energy

My maternal grandfather is a sprightly old man of seventy, who loves to joke around and even share a beer with his teen aged grandchildren.

a16) GRATUITOUS (gru't(y)ooitus) Adjective Given freely, Unwarranted, Uncalled for

He goes about giving gratuitous advice to others, and despite all his good intentions, this habit of his has made him rather unpopular in the class.

a17) RECRIMINATION (ri’krimu’neyshun) Noun - An accusation made in answer to an accusation

The peace talks came to an abrupt halt, and ended up being a series of accusations and recriminations.

a18) HARANGUE (hu’rang) Noun & Verb - Speech made to a gathering / assembly; usually a loud, vehement address

The opposition leader gave his usual harangue in the parliament after the finance minister had completed his budget speech, criticizing almost every policy measure announced in the budget.

a19) CRUSTY (krustee) Adjective - Having a harsh, rough exterior or a curt, rough manner

The journalist was rather disappointed at the crusty attitude of the socialite; he had expected to get an exciting interview with her but she answered all his questions in monosyllables.

a 20) VIRTUE (vurchoo) Noun - Goodness, Moral excellence, Good quality

Because of his good character, kind heart and generous nature, people often call him man of the highest virtue

Visit next post for vocabulary improvement.

Wednesday, August 18

Improve Vocabulary,Improve Knowledge

More vocabulary words

a21) WISHY-WASHY (wishi-woshee) Adjective - Weak in color, character etc; lacking in spirit

They're just a group of wishy-washy individuals, having no great ambitions in life nor having any ideologies.

a22) LISSOME (lisum) Adjective - Moving with ease and grace

The writer has compared the lissome movements of the ballet dancer to the graceful movements of a deer.

a23) OBSESSIVE(ub'sesiv) Adjective - Overpowered by the thought of something, continually thinking about the same thing

The thought of becoming a pilot has so obsessively overpowered the young boy that he cannot think of anything but flying a plane.

a24) CLICHE (klee'shey) Noun - Phrase dulled in meaning by repetition

However cliched this may sound to everyone here, honesty, for me, will always remain the best policy.

a25) DELECTABLE (di'lektubul) Adjective - Delightful, Delicious
For her most delectable performance in this unusual film about a
mother and her spastic daughter, Florina Campbell, playing the daughter,
has been nominated for an Oscar in the Best Actress category.

a26) EQUESTRIAN (i'kwestreeun) Adjective - Of, or pertaining to riding on
Everybody knew that the king loved his horse and was fond of
riding it; after the death of the king, the most skillful sculptor of the
country made an equestrian statue of the king.

a27) FUSILLADE (fyoosu'leyd) Noun & Verb - 1) Continuous firing of guns,
anything that is like such a discharge
2) Assault, shoot down
1) The fusillade of bullets by the soldiers killed almost a
hundred of the enemies.
2) The burglar was arrested for theft and attempting to fusillade
the shopkeeper.

a28) GROTESQUE (grow'tesk) Noun & Adjective - Extremely ugly or
unpleasant, Ridiculously unpleasant, Distorted
In trying to appear half her age by putting on make-up and
wearing tights, the middle-aged woman ended up looking grotesque.
Synonyms: Bizarre, Ludicrous

a29) HARLEQUIN (haa(r)lukwin) Noun & Adjective - a clown or buffoon, any
person who dresses up in bright colored funny clothing
The court jester was dressed in a bright orange colored robe with
matching boots, looking very much the harlequin he was supposed to behave
Synonyms: Comedian

30) CHAGRIN (shu'grin) Noun & Verb - Acute disappointment or annoyance

Much to his chagrin, the baseball match that he had been waiting for all summer was called off because of stormy weather.

More Vocabulary words to improve reading comprehension.

Sunday, August 15

Improve speaking english

vocabulary words

(deli'ti(u)reeus) Adjective - Harmful
Had I been aware of the deleterious effects of this medicine on
the nervous system, I would never have recommended it to you.

a32) CHAUVINISM Noun (showvu'nizum) - Unreasonable belief that the gender
to which one belongs is better than the other gender
In an extremely chauvinistic remark, which I'm sure caused him to
lose many female supporters, the actor said that he will always be able to
earn more than whoever he is going to marry.

a33) BROMIDE (browmid) Noun - A boring person or remark
Consisting nothing but the usual bromides about economic growth
and social development, the Prime Minister's Independence Day speech was a
rather disappointing one.
Synonyms: Cliché, Platitude

a34) ALLEGORY (alu'guree) Noun - A story in which characters and images
represent abstract ideas, Apologue
O. Henry was famous for his allegorical style of writing; almost
all his short stories depict characters who represent various shades of
moral and social values.
Synonyms: Fable, Myth, Parable

a35) ACCOUTERMENTS (u'kooturmunt) Noun - a soldier's equipment, other than
clothing or weaponry
At these high altitudes, an oxygen cylinder is an essential part
of every soldier's accouterments.

a36) NEURALGIA (n(y)u'ralju) Noun - Sharp pain in the nerves
He's been suffering from a neuralgic pain for the last three months
because of which he cannot turn his neck to the left.

a37) MELLIFLUOUS (mi'lifluus) Adjective - (Of words, music or voice)
sweetly or smoothly flowing
She charmed everyone present at the gathering with her sweet and
mellifluous voice.
Synonym - Melodious

a38) LEGERDEMAIN (lejurdu'meyn) Noun - Skill in using the hands to perform
conjuring tricks etc (Sleight-of-hand, Juggling, Trickery)
The opposition has accused the Finance Minister of indulging in
financial legerdemain, stating that the budget is nothing but a clever

a39). INDICT (in'dit) Verb - Make a formal accusation against, to charge
with a wrong, offense or short coming
Three people have been indicted by the judge for manufacturing and
selling spurious medicines.

a40) LECTERN (lekturn) Noun - Stand with a sloping top to hold books,
papers etc. to be read from
Before commencing her speech, the speaker carefully arranged her
papers on the lectern, getting a feel of the audience at the same time.

Add Vocabulary

Sunday, August 30

Improve Vocabulary To Make Money.

Money can be made by many methods. Knowledge of good words can help in writing good Money Making articles and money making blogs. By learning new words on a regular speed can improve the vocabulary. These can be Top paying keywords. I have written many blogs about uncommon words. If you can use them once or twice ,you can master them easily.

CAN'T CUT THE MUSTARD - not good enough to participate
Bob dropped out of medical school; he couldn't cut the mustard.

b2) GO COLD TURKEY - quit taking an addictive drug by stopping immediately
I want to quit drinking right now. As of this moment, I am going
cold turkey.

b3) COME HELL OR HIGH WATER Adverb - no matter what else happens
Will you be at the family reunion next year?" Answer: "Yes- we'll
be there, come hell or high water.

b4) CRYING OVER SPILLED MILK - complaining about some past loss
Well, the car is ruined and that's too bad, but there's no use
crying over spilt milk.
b5) CROSS YOUR FINGERS - hoping it happens that way
Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.

b6) WITH YOUR BACK UP AGAINST THE WALL - restrained from acting
as you would like I'm sorry I can't help you; I've got my back up against the wall!

b7) GET OVER IT - recover from
I was very sick yesterday, but I got over it quickly.

b8) RAGS TO RICHES - from poor to wealthy
My uncle is a real rags to riches story.

b9) FLASH IN THE PAN - a sudden success that disappears quickly
What a great first year he had, but after that... nothing!" Answer:
"Just another flash in the pan".

b10) IN YOUR WAYS - not wanting to change how you do things
Sometimes it is hard to accept that your parents are fixed in their

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Wednesday, August 26

Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge

Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,

Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,Learn Uncommon words from dictionary,thesaurus,
One of my students has been preparing a list of uncommon words from dictionary& thesauruses ,difficult words.. He has asked me to let every person learn these words . I am going to list two words every day. I want all the readers to popularize these words by forwarding these words to your friends on a regular basis.It will help to Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,
There are English teaching schools in almost every country. Media, paperback books coaching classes,are making English Language more popular and easy to learn today.
Reading ,writing, listening and speaking are learned by practically doing and not by studying only.
It is a skill which is learnt by doing. English language combines so many components Reading, literature, compositions, speaking, grammar,semantics,listening,film,video, dvd and many more.
The language learning can be divided into,Teaching grammar,teaching composition,Language study,Multimedia English.
One of my students has been preparing a list of uncommon words from dictionary& thesauruses ,difficult words.. He has asked me to let every person learn these words . I am going to list two words every day. I want all the readers to popularize these words by forwarding these words to your friends on a regular basis.It will help to Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,

a41) PER SE (pur'see) Adjective - Considered alone, taken individually
I bear no grudge against the principal per se, but the rules of the school are just not conducive to the creation of a good learning environment.

a42) INTERNECINE (intu(r)'neeseen) Adjective - Involving serious disagreement among members of the same group, mutually destructive or deadly, harmful to both sides
The main cause for the downfall of the Muslim empire in India was the internecine warfare amongst the members of the royal family, that let the British take advantage of the situation and gain a foothold in Indian governance.

a43) NARRATIVE (narutiv) Adjective - A story or description of events told in first person
Our manager has a sense of narrative foresight in every aspect of explaining the managerial philosophy.

a44) LAITY (leyitee) Noun - The laymen, People who are not members of a specific profession
Though the media makes a big event out of the annual national budget, the laity is not really too interested in the subject as most of the description is hard-to-understand economic terms.

a45) NEURALGIA (n(y)u'ralju) Noun - Sharp pain in the nerves
He's been suffering from a neuralgic pain for the last three months
because of which he cannot turn his neck to the left.

a46). MELLIFLUOUS (mi'lifluus) Adjective - (Of words, music or voice)
sweetly or smoothly flowing
She charmed everyone present at the gathering with her sweet and
mellifluous voice.
Synonym - Melodious

a47) LEGERDEMAIN (lejurdu'meyn) Noun - Skill in using the hands to perform
conjuring tricks etc (Sleight-of-hand, Juggling, Trickery)
The opposition has accused the Finance Minister of indulging in
financial legerdemain, stating that the budget is nothing but a clever
jugglery of figures to make them sound good.

a48) INDICT dit) Verb - Make a formal accusation against, to charge
with a wrong, offense or short coming
Three people have been indicted by the judge for manufacturing and
selling spurious medicines.

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Monday, August 24

vocabulary builder

vocabulary builder-english words

a51) HOLISTIC (how'listik) Adjective
- Emphasizing the importance of the
whole and the interdependence of its parts

A holistic approach adopted by that firm to equate the brand
importance of their positioning in the market.

A52) SPINSTER (spinstu(r)) Noun
- An unmarried woman, usually of past marriageable age
Though she is the eldest of all her sisters, she prefers to remain
a spinster till all her sisters get married.

A53) TURBID (turbid) Adjective
- Muddy and cloudy (of liquids)
The excessive growth of algae in the pond has made its otherwise
clean water turbid it is no more suitable for any purpose other than

a54) UNFROCK (un'frok) Verb
- To strip a priest or minister of church
The minister was unfrocked in public for his involvement in the

a55) WANTON (wont'(u)n) Adjective, Noun & Verb
- Showing complete lack of
purpose or care

He was rather disturbed because of the wanton ways of his only son,
who was just not willing to accept any responsibility in the family

a56) APPOSITE (apuzit) Adjective
- Highly pertinent or relevant
Even though his remark was not very diplomatic, it was quite
apposite in the given situation.

a57) BALEFUL (beylful) Adjective
- Dangerous and sinister, Destructive
The little child felt threatened by the baleful looks of the old
man, and immediately rushed to the comforting arms of her mother.

a58) CHAFF (chaf) Noun
- Separated grain-husks, Chopped hay and straw,
Worthless stuff
The farmers in northern India have a rather elaborate procedure of
separating the grain from the chaff.

a59) DECELERATE (dee'selu'reyt) Verb - Make slower
The doctor said that his hectic pace of life was the main reason
for the stress he was facing, and advised him to decelerate and take things

a60) ERODE (i'rowd) Verb
- To wear or be worn away gradually
All dwellings near the sea are being broken down because of the
coast, which is gradually being eroded by the lapping waves.